Sunday, December 20, 2009

Neiman-Marcus Cookies

Did you hear? It's almost Christmas! The Winter Solstice is upon us! It's the most wonderful/stressful time of the year. And when I get stressed (or bored)(or curious)(or hungry), I bake. This weekend, it was Neiman-Marcus cookies.

The most elegant chocolate chip cookie ever. If you are called upon to provide dessert for a small crowd--the recipe makes two dozen--this is the dessert you want to present to the world. If you are craving chocolate chip cookies and you don't want to eat nothing but cookies for the next three days, this small batch recipe is perfect. If you want to win a heart, land a job, or make amends, this cookie can accomplish all those tasks and more.

Since it's late and Neiman-Marcus has already posted the recipe on their site, I'm going to be lazy and just give you a link. It's right here: click. Be warned: they will not look like they are done when the timer goes off, but they are. Trust me. Just take them out, let them cool, and you will find you have achieved perfection with very little effort.

I also made some Blueberry Oatmeal Scones...
This recipe isn't ready just yet. They were delicious right out of the oven, but super crumbly the next day.

In unrelated news, I started working out again.
Something happened to my pants and they no longer fit comfortably.

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